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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Yeah ME!!!!

So Today was our weigh in day before Spring break. I was kinda concerned because I haven't been that great at working out last weekend and I have only worked out once this week so far. But as you can see on my tracker I am not officially down 8 pounds. I am down in inches as follows:
Waist- Down 1.5
Abs- Down 2.75
Hips- Down 1.25
Neck - Down 1
My Biceps and Thighs have stayed the same so far but I hear that you loose what you put on last first so that would make sense. Anyways I am so excited I am sure that I can drop another 2 pounds to be under 190 before we leave for Mexico. I can't wait to lay around the pool and sip water and eat fresh fruit and go running on the beach and swimming. I am going to try to remain active. Anyways back to work I go. Thanks for all of the comments Everyone.

Love you all


  1. Thats my is Morgan doing?
    Have a great Honeymoon...Love you

  2. Jess and Morgan, Hope you have a most welcomed Honeymoon get away. Kids are cute, aren't they? I wish I had my own, but in a way I have hundreds. I keep the whole Tomlinson family, Jess/Morgan Seth and Skylar in my daily prayers. Love you all,
    Uncle Tim

  3. Just to say keep up the good work,and maybe you can do a couple work out for me.
    Love Gram & Poppa
    O yes and enoy your time in Mexico,and please dont drink the water.LOL

  4. Sorry forgot the J in injoy,first sign of getting old.

  5. Oh My God I also started with a E and its starts with a I,please forgive me,o well love you anyway
