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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mother of all workouts

Last night was out plyometrics night. Morgan decided that he would rather go for a run. So I started plyo by myself. I did the first 40 minutes, than found out why you aren't supposed to eat right before doing this workout. It makes you sick. So for the last 20 minutes I went for a power walk around a couple of blocks to cool down. Tonight we have arms and shoulders I think, I haven't looked today. We only have 11 more days until our honeymoon, I can't wait to lay in the sun and drink some yummy frozen drinks. You know they don't put any alcohol in the drinks in Mexico. hahahahaha. Morgan has class again tonight, so it will be another late night of working out. But we will get it done. I think we have to take our frist 30 day pictures this Sunday. I will post before and after pictures after we are done the whole 90 days. But until I can say that I don't look like the before pictures. No one is going to see them except for Morgan we both did our before pictures in out bathing suits. Anyways I am going to get home and start something healthy for dinner tonight.
Thanks for all the comments I look forward to reading them.

Love you all


  1. I look forward to reading your blog...makes you seem not so far away :(
    Your sister is going to Punta Cana tomorrow, she better steer clear of any Texans huh?
    No worries, she is traveling with the Dawsons, not John tho, he is working.
    Good job on the workouts...keep up the good work.

  2. Jess and Morgan, I'm a little slow, in reading previous blogs, I wondered if 'lady' was someone who rented a guest house in the back, but now I see this 'lady' has 4 legs! I try to check in with your site weekly, but don't always get to it. You go guys! Love, Uncle Tim
