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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Busy Weekend

We had a very busy weekend this weekend. We finished getting all the things we need for our vacation next week..only 8 more days. We went from place to place to place trying to find shorts and bathing suits for our trip. How incredibly FRUSTRATING. If really is not fun when you go into store after store after store and don't fit into any of the biggest sizes. Poor Morgan I got so frustrated that I started crying after about 7 hours of shopping on Saturday. We finally found me some shorts and a nice dress to wear. I just wanted to look good for my honeymoon. So I have some new motivation for the next week. I am going to get up at 5 in the morning tomorrow to make sure that I get my workout in. The kids are going to San Antonio with Randy and Kathy (Morgans Parents) and they leave on Friday, so I need to have their lauddry done and packed by Thursday night. I think that I might take Thursday off just to give me an extra day to get that done. Not sure yet though, it might be good for me to be at work to keep my mind off of our vacation. I think I am going to be going crazy by Friday. The girls at work are going to have to wear earplugs. So I am up typing on this blog because I can't sleep. Partly because of the time chage it doesn't feel late enough yet. But partly because I feel like I have so much to do. We were gone pretty much all day everyday this weekend so I didn't get the things done around the house that I normally do. I didn't even have a chance to workout on Saturday or today. So I am going to have to eat real well and workout like crazy this week, of course we got the kids back last night so that makes working out a little harder. But I am going to have to fit it in somewhere. Morgan bought me this really pretty perfume today (Fancy by Jessica Simpson I think) but when I got it home and opened the package the perfume had leaked and ruined the gold finish on the bottle. So I am going to have to return it tomorrow. Anyways I am going to get back to my to do list, than I am going to have to go try to make myself go to sleep. I never have a problem sleeping unless I need to get to sleep early.

Good night all, I know that was just a rambling post but I will get back to my workouts tomorrow. This next week is mostly cardio versus weight lifting. I might try to do a little of both this week, I have to weigh in on Thursday instead of next monday because the college is closed for Spring break.

ok I am really done this time

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it was a little rambly, but you get it honestly dont ha Mess?
    I had a relapse this weekend with the workouts and watching what we ate...lets just say tomorrow is a new day and leave it at that...Stay strong and smile thru the pain:)
